Friday, March 28, 2014

Thursday, March 20, 2014

HDR photography

1. What does HDR stand for?
high dynamic range
2. In your own words, explain what makes an HDR photo an HDR photo?
the way the colors appear
3. What is bracketing?
when several shots of the same subject are taken with varying exposures
4. What software can you use to produce an HDR image?
5. When selecting layers, what do you have to be careful about when creating your HDR photos?
you have to make sure you don't miss any pieces of your layers

Friday, March 7, 2014

pet portrait project preview

1. What type of pet will you photography?
African grey parrot

2. Where will you shoot?

3. What type of lighting will you use?
natural light

4. What challenges will you encounter?
the pet may not cooperate

5. How will you overcome these challenges?
distract him

6. Post an example for inspiration for your shoot. Explain what you like about the photo and how you will attempt to emulate or use for inspiration.
I really like how the dog and some of the grass is in focus. I'm going to use this photo as my inspiration for the depth of field.